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Killer Desires Page 3

  What happened? Did you hit something?

  She looked into her rearview mirror but couldn’t make out anything unusual on the road. With the wall of rain outside the car limiting visibility she figured there could be an elephant back there and she probably wouldn’t have seen it.

  She searched around her purse until she located her cell phone and flipped it open. No Service! Fabulous! She beat her head a couple of times against her headrest trying to figure out what to do. Finally, she decided she had no choice but to get out of the car and see what the problem was. Sitting on the side of the road wasn’t going to get her anywhere. She slung a jacket over her head and braced herself as she opened the door.

  The rain was cold as it pelted her bare arms and legs.

  Of all the days to wear a skirt, she thought as she half ran around the car trying to assess the damage. Her front right tire was flat. A blow out! That was the noise! At least you didn’t kill anyone.

  She stood there for a moment debating her next move. Her father had insisted that she learn how to change a tire before she was allowed to take her driving test, and she knew where all of the tools were located, but it was pouring down rain and she couldn’t see herself getting even more soaked trying to put on the spare.

  The roar of an engine startled her and she quickly turned around. This was perfect! She could flag them down, catch a ride home and call roadside assistance. A familiar banged up Ford came into view and pulled to a stop beside her.

  “Hey, darlin’, you need some help?” Brett drawled. The butterflies rushed to her stomach as she gaped back at him. “Looks like you got a flat. You know how to change a flat tire?” His tone of voice was teasing, flirtatious, but Sarah thought he was making fun of her.

  Her stubbornness returned in a flash, pounding away those stupid flutters. “Of course I do,” she stated with a roll of her eyes. “Who doesn’t?” The cocky grin washed back across his face as he looked at her and his eyes danced with amusement.

  “Well, then, don’t let me get it your way,” he said easily and started to roll up his window. Where were his gentlemanly instincts?

  “Wait!” she said a little too quickly, not wanting to take a chance that he’d really get the window back up. “It isn’t that I can’t change it, but, well, it’s pouring out here.” Her clothes were completely drenched already.

  “Could you, I mean, would you mind dropping me off at my house?”

  He smiled quickly, “Sure, sugar, hop in!”

  “Hang on!” she hollered as she ran back, flung open the driver’s door, grabbed her keys and purse and bolted back to his truck. He reached over and opened the door as she approached and she jumped in quickly, slamming the door behind her. He didn’t seem to notice as water dripped off her clothes onto his seats and floorboards. He smiled at her for a long moment before he turned his head forward and flipped a U turn in the middle of the road.

  “Thanks for the ride,” she said as she looked over at the driver’s seat.

  “No problem,” he answered, turning his face to show her the cocky grin firmly placed on his mouth.

  “Were you leaving my house?” She asked, trying to break the nervous silence with conversation.

  “Yep,” he explained. “Got rained out for the day.”

  “Oh,” she hesitated, trying to choose the right words. “Surprise day off, huh?”

  “Well, it’s 4:00 and I’ve been there since 6:00 this morning. I wouldn’t call it a day off.”

  “Oh, yeah, I guess not.” She answered and stared at the water snaking its way down her window as they drove on in silence.

  “How’s your ankle?” He finally asked.

  “It’s fine, thanks.” She replied, turning to face him. For the first time, she noticed how his rain-soaked clothing clung eagerly to his bulging muscles. She forced her gaze to the window and listened to Garth Brooks’ sing of being shameless through old speakers.


  “Thanks again for the ride,” Sarah said feebly as they pulled to a stop in her driveway.

  “Anytime, darlin’,” his grin brought back the quivering to her whole body. When he reached over her to grab the door handle, his arm brushed her bare leg and she felt electricity sizzle through her bloodstream. She let out a gasp as she turned her face toward him. His face was only a couple of inches away from hers and she was stunned by the feel of his warm breath on her cheek. His face got very still and she caught his gaze flicker down to her mouth.

  Oh my God! He’s going to kiss me! Her mouth dried and her chest constricted as she sat in stunned anticipation. Suddenly, his face went rigid and his eyes darted away. The spell was broken. “You should get inside and get yourself dried off,” he said in a strangely flat voice.

  “Oh, yeah,” she shook her head trying to get rid of the fogginess she felt. “Thanks again,” she called over her shoulder as she slammed the door. Her heart was still rumbling like a freight train when she collapsed into a chair, safely inside her house.


  “What is wrong with you?” Brett asked himself aloud as he pulled onto the road way too fast. The tires spun out and he swerved slightly onto the gravel shoulder before righting the vehicle. He should be shot for his thoughts, but knowing that couldn’t keep his fantasies at bay.

  The way she looked when he pulled up next to her, drenched in rain and just begging for a warm body, was just too much for him to take. He took in a huge breath and tried to get the picture of her out of his head. He pulled a Marlboro out of the half-crushed pack on the dashboard and lit up quickly, hoping the harsh intake of nicotine would calm him down a little. He expelled the smoke with a sigh and reached over to turn the radio up.

  The smooth voice of Tim McGraw filled the truck’s cab and he took another pull of the cigarette. He reached up and flipped off the radio. Listening to that was the last thing he needed. He couldn’t stop picturing the way her lips parted so perfectly when he’d startled her. She’d held her breath for just a moment and he couldn’t help but to imagine what it would feel like to press his rough mouth into those beautifully soft lips. He groaned to himself, quickly made a U-turn and headed for the nearest tavern.


  The ringing of her cell phone jarred Sarah from slumber. Scraping at her eyes, she reached over to her nightstand, grabbed the phone and pressed the green button.

  “Hello?” she grumbled.

  “Hey, Sarah,” Chad said cheerfully. “Were you still sleeping?”

  “Yeah,” she replied dreamily, “I was up late last night watching movies with Amber and Shane. What time is it?”

  “It’s a little after 8:00 my time, 10:00 there,” he answered. Sarah sat up in her bed thinking something was different than it should be.

  “Wait,” she realized what was wrong. “I thought your flight left at 7:30.”

  “That’s why I’m calling. I’m not going to be able to make it home today,” he said grimly. She couldn’t believe what he was saying. For weeks, they’d talked about him flying home today to accompany her to her senior prom. She’d already bought the dress and had made appointments for her hair and makeup. Well, Amber had made the appointments when she hadn’t seemed as excited as she should. Still, this couldn’t be happening.

  “What are you talking about?” she whined.

  “I, uh, I’m sorry, Sarah. Something came up and I can’t miss it,” he answered quickly, a little too quickly. He sounded nervous. Maybe it was just that he was giving her bad news and didn’t know how she’d respond.

  “What came up?” she nearly shouted into the phone.

  “You’re my date for the senior prom! What could possibly have ‘come up’?”

  “It’s a… a sort of meet and greet with some of the law professors. I just found out about it and I, well, it’s my chance to get a leg up on the competition by getting to know them before all of the transfer students get here this fall,” he explained. “I knew we were going to have this event, but I didn’t know until last n
ight that it was this weekend. Look, I’m sorry but I can’t miss it. This is my future. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  Sarah had heard enough. It was always something with Chad. There was always something more important than what she wanted. This wasn’t the first time he’d done this to her and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. She had just never dreamed he’d do it to her on prom night.

  “Whatever, Chad,” she said hastily. “Listen, I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you later.” She pressed the red button on her phone and tossed it beside her on the bed. There was no sense in arguing with him about it. It was already too late for him to make his flight even if she could change his mind, which she was fairly certain she couldn’t. What was she going to do now? Should she just skip prom? Should she go alone? What would everyone say if she showed up as a third wheel with Shane and Amber? Would Shane even go now without Chad? She threw back the covers and stomped to her bathroom.

  She thought a hot shower would calm her, but twenty minutes later she emerged, still fuming. She walked across the room with a towel wrapped around her, hair dripping down. She glanced into the mirror and could still make out the tear streaks on her cheeks. No! Don’t do this! You will not cry over Chad Taylor! She stopped and stared out the window feeling the sunlight on her cheeks. As she turned away, she caught a glimpse of Brett, cowboy hat hanging low over his eyes while he unloaded wood from the back of his pickup. She hurried to dress and strode out of the room with a renewed determination.

  “Hey!” She shouted over the loud groan of the power tools. “Hey!” Brett looked up in surprise and reached down to turn off the saw he was using.

  “Hey darlin’” he drawled sexily. “What can I do for ya? You get another flat tire?” Her determination faltered at the sight of him.

  “I, uh, I have a different sort of favor to ask,” she said sheepishly, looking down at her still bare feet.

  “Oh, yeah?” There was that grin again. “And what’s that?” He stepped over the load of wood and walked toward her. He stopped just inches from her, the faint smell of cigarettes and coffee floating toward her nostrils.

  “I, well, it’s going to sound crazy, but you see, Chad, he’s my boyfriend, was supposed to come home today and…” She was rambling. She caught herself, straightened her spine and finished with as much confidence as she could muster. “Tonight is my senior prom and Chad just called to say he couldn’t make it. I wanted to know, well, if you’d take me.” Whew! She’d gotten it out.

  A slow smile crawled across his face before he burst out laughing. Once again humiliated, she turned her head and yelled angrily as she stomped back toward the house, “Just forget it!”

  “Wait a minute, darlin’,” he said, still chuckling. “I ain’t laughin’ at you. It’s just, well, I’m a little bit old to go to a high school prom. I don’t think they’d even let me in.” She stopped and turned toward him, her embarrassment lessening. He continued, “As much as I’d love to see you all dressed up, I think your father might have me arrested. Hell, I didn’t even go to my own prom.” His face softened. “I’m sorry ‘bout your boyfriend cancelling on you and I’m glad you asked me, but I’m gonna have to pass.” He smiled at her sweetly as he stepped toward her again.

  “Fine,” she said more calmly then she felt, “I guess I’ll just go by myself.” He was standing close, too close. His breath warmed her cheeks and she felt her pulse pounding in her throat again as she thought for a moment that he might kiss her. They stood for several seconds before he shook his head and moved away from her cussing under his breath. She started to speak, but caught herself and turned back toward the house. She tried to ignore how hurt she felt when she knew she shouldn’t.


  Sarah steeled herself as she pushed open the door. The loud music quickly filled her ears as she looked around the room strewn with streamers. Her palms began to sweat as she again doubted her decision to come alone. Across the room she spotted Amber and Shane sitting at a table talking quietly. She was still shocked that Shane had kept his commitment to Amber and accompanied her without Chad’s presence. Both had implored her to come, telling her that one day she would regret not attending. Right now, the only regret she felt was agreeing to come stag.

  At least Amber and she had enjoyed the day being pampered. First, at the spa where they’d gotten facials and had their make-up professionally applied. And then at the salon where they had their hair styled. Amber had her hair in a formal updo with tendrils hanging down to give it what the stylist called a “softer feel.” Sarah had gone for a more natural look as she didn’t really like to be “done up.” Hers was simply pulled back from her face in soft waves.

  She subconsciously straightened her black strapless A-line dress and stiffened her spine as she made her way to their table. Amber was giggling at something Shane had said and Sarah had the distinct impression that she’d interrupted an intimate moment when she spoke to them.

  “Hey,” she said, “so, here I am!”

  They both looked up smiling widely. She knew they were trying to reassure her that it was the right decision to come. She took a seat at the table, trying not to think about the empty chair beside her where Chad should have been seated. A short time later, dinner was served but Sarah only picked at her food. After the plates had been cleared, couples around the room began rising from their chairs and heading out onto the dance floor. She saw Amber and Shane glance at each other nervously.

  “I’m fine,” she assured them. “Go dance if you want to dance.”

  “I,” Shane replied empathetically, “if you…”

  “Seriously, Shane,” she interrupted, “I’m fine. I promise. Now just go dance already.”

  Hesitantly, they rose from their chairs and walked toward the dance floor. Amber glanced over her shoulder as if she still wasn’t sure. Sarah gave a broad smile she didn’t feel. She shouldn’t ruin her friend’s happiness just because her own night had been ruined. She sat for a few moments, unsure of what to do, before several of her friends came by and chatted for a little while. More and more people stopped to talk to her and she didn’t feel as much like an outsider. Everyone asked about Chad, of course, and she grew tired of explaining his absence.

  At least she was no longer as unsettled about her decision for the fall. Chad had proven himself once again, and she was more certain now than ever that she didn’t want to go to Seattle. Her parents would be greatly disappointed and that bothered her a lot. She had always been what her brother called a “do-gooder” and did basically everything her parents expected of her. It may have been why she’d ever agreed to a date with Chad in the first place.

  As another group walked away she sat back down and peeked over toward the dance floor to find Amber and Shane seemingly having a great time. Who would have thought? She reached into her handbag and pulled out a tube of lip gloss. She’d just finished applying a coat when she heard the familiar beginning of a classic slow song. She sighed, feeling lonely all over again and wishing…

  “’Scuse me, Miz McGuire,” the familiar drawl came suddenly, “Care to dance?” Her head whipped around in surprise. Brett was standing before her in a black tuxedo. His hair was combed back neatly and he held a single red rose in his hand. A smile overtook her face and, without thinking, she jumped up to wrap her arms tightly around his neck. Startled, he stepped back slightly before his arms found their way around her waist.

  “I, uh,” he chuckled, “I think the dance floor’s over there, but we can dance here if that’s what you want.”

  “Sorry,” she caught herself and released her grip on his neck. “I’m just so surprised. I can’t believe you came.”

  “Yeah, well, that makes two of us, but here I am.” He took her hand and led her into the crowd of people swaying softly to the music. He took her by the waist and began twirling her softly around the dance floor. He held her tightly, her body pressed up against him and, once again, she could feel his strength wrapped around her. She closed
her eyes and laid her head against his chest listening to his heart beat softly beneath his starched white shirt. When the song came to an end, they stood there a few more moments, neither wanting to let go.

  “What in the world?” Amber asked from behind her. Sarah turned to see Amber and Shane staring with a million questions in their faces. “What in the hell are you doing here?” Amber asked Brett pointedly.

  “I, uh,” Sarah responded for him, “I invited him.”

  She pulled some strength from his arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders. “When Chad cancelled, I asked Brett to be my date for the evening.” Shane looked from her to Brett and back again before holding out his hand to Brett.

  “I don’t think we’ve been introduced,” he said calmly. “I’m Shane McGuire, Sarah’s brother.” Brett cautiously took his hand and shook it.

  “Brett Williams.”

  Shane looked again at Sarah and gave a sly smile before taking Amber’s hand.

  “Amber and I were just talking about getting out of here,” Shane said. “Do you mind if we go ahead and go? I mean, are you going to be okay?”

  Surprised, Sarah looked over at Amber, who was still glaring inexplicably at Brett.

  “Sure,” Sarah answered her brother, “I’ll be fine.” She turned back to Brett just as Shane led Amber to the table to gather their belongings before heading for the nearest exit. She looked up into Brett’s eyes as another song started and they started moving again.